Product Bundles
As the name suggests, this app will enable you to sell product bundles. Product bundles are sets of related items that are sold together as a single package, usually at a discounted price compared to buying each item separately.
This is a Dashboard app and currently does not have any website frontend features.
As per our research, it is the first app that supports product variants in Wix Ecosystem. So it has become fairly complex. We are still working on improving UX, Docs and creating videos.
How does it work?
When a user buys a bundle, the inventory of products inside the bundle reduces automatically. In Wix, a bundle product will also be a normal product in the store. Currently app has following features:
Update inventory of products when a user buys a bundle from your store
Update inventory when you manually change stocks in the inventory page
When you create a new bundle, the inventory of the bundle product will automatically update according to the inventory of the bundled products. Please note that this set is the minimum of all the bundled products.
*There are some some limitations that we will describe soon
What type of bundles are supported?
Let's say you are selling the following products and you want to sell product bundles.
T - shirts
Power Banks

Power Banks

Bundle Types with examples
Bundle Of Products (BOP)
These products have no variants, the items included in the bundle remain fixed, meaning there are no options or variations (such as size, color, or type). Each customer receives the exact same set of products.
Products : Adapter and Power Bank
Bundle Name : Travel Kit

Travel Kit
Bundle With Variants (BWV)
Bundle of products with matching variants. The bundle product to be created should also have same variants. This allows users to select a variant on the default product page, the app will reduce the inventory of matching variants from all child products.
Example:Bundle of 3 shirts, different variants of sizes are grouped together and sold as a single package.
You must make sure that the products you add to such a bundle have matching variants. In this example, the bundle product will have variants S, M and L and all 3 shirts must have the same variants.
Products :
Shirt 1 - White Cotton Shirt of Size S
Shirt 2 - White Cotton Shirt of Size M
Shirt 3 - White Cotton Shirt of Size L
Bundle Name : Pack of 3 - White Cotton Shirt

Pack of 3 - White Cotton Shirt
Current limitations
Only 1 product option is supported. Example - Size or Color, you cannot have both.
Same product in multiple bundles
Bundle Of Variants (BOV)
Creating a bundle of variants of same or different products.
Example: Bundle of 3 different shirts in size M.
Products :
Shirt 1 - Blue Cotton Shirt of Size M
Shirt 2 - White Cotton Shirt of Size M
Shirt 3 - Dark Red Cotton Shirt of Size M
Bundle Name : Pack of 3 - Multi Color Cotton Shirt (M)

Pack of 3 - Multi Color Cotton Shirt (M)
Important things to note
Inventory update delays
When Wix Servers are busy, it can take few minutes for to update inventories of all related products and bundles after a checkout. This is because the
inventory is updated after an order is confirmed and payment is confirmed.
Wix API callbacks for store events can be slow
This can also lead to inventory going into negative for child products if too many users are trying to buy same bundle, we are working on adding validations on checkout to verify inventory of the child products.
Manual inventory updates from the Wix dashboard can also be slow.
While updating inventory from Wix Dashboard, please refresh your page to avoid confusions. Updating one product updates other products and so on.
Testing - things to consider while you are testing
If you add the same products to multiple bundles, remember that the inventory of all bundles will update.
Upcoming features
Inventory validation on checkout - using Ecom Validations plugin
Support for multiple product options
Custom product page with Bundling features
Issues faced during development
Bug - events.js feature does not work without a widget. This app is a Dashboard app and did not have any widget, it took quite a long time for developers in Blocks team to figure this out.
We faced permission relate bugs when a an app is installed locally from available apps vs installed from the shareable link.
We have also seen callbacks to events.js can taking 3 - 5 minutes.
Errors during installation, building, updating versions and uninstalling apps
Developing complex app like this is very difficult without being able to connect to a real backend for testing or version control with github. We have our own build solution that enables us to maintain the backend source files in a site during development and then build and copy a minified bundle to the blocks app to publish the app.